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Labour guidance

Wherever you wish to give birth, a midwife is ready to help you. She can partly monitor your labor at home and is able to accompany you to the hospital.

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Labour support at home

We can monitor the well-being of you and the baby during labour. We will reassure you throughout the entire process with numerous tips to deal with the contractions.
We will send you to the hospital in a timely manner.

For labour guidance, we reserve a place for you on our patient list and we are on call for you from 37 weeks of pregnancy, from which time onwards a waiting fee of €250 will be charged.

To the hospital

If your labour starts at home, we will determine together the right time to leave for the hospital. We can continue the guidance in the hospital if you wish. In the hospital, we pass on the medical care to the hospital midwives and gynecologist, but we stay with you for emotional support.

Even if you are induced, you can call us for guidance in the hospital. For labour guidance with support in the hospital, you pay €495 on a weekday and €555 on a weekend day.


TIP: do you have hospitalisation insurance? Ask them whether and how much of the above amounts they will refund to you.

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